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Conservative Commentary www.ukconservatism.com |
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![]() Saturday, December 21, 2002 PC intolerance darkens another Christmas and weakens the national spirit
Why should any religious person honestly be offended by the genuine expression of another faith? Why, if I went into a Red Cross shop and saw Ramadan merchandise on sale, should I take offence? Why should people be shielded from any evidence that other faiths exist? What possible good does it do? How does it increase tolerance? All it does is further ghettoise and exclude religious groupings, making "tolerance" not an acceptance of the traditions and viewpoints of others, but an intolerance of those of anyone else - and a demand that their expression be suppressed and banned. Every time people in the West feel guilty about celebrating Christmas publicly or about some other part of our culture, we fall further into the trap Osama Bin Laden believes the West has set itself. In our democratic uncertainties, in our diversity, in our debate and differences, Al-Qaida sees weakness and moral vacuousness. It is not even strongly conservative believers in good and evil that they despise - and fear - so much as the perception that Western liberty deprives people of any moral compass, leaving us unable to defend ourselves or believe in ourselves any more. That is what they mean when they call the United States the Great Satan: "a giant without a conscience" as Peter Kreeft has put it. We are not harming anyone by celebrating the birth of Jesus, but we do great harm by pretending we do not, and by coming to believe we should be ashamed to do so. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 13:11 | Permanent Link |Friday, December 20, 2002 Trent Lott resigns as Senate Majority Leader
Real life's effects on blogging I STARTED A NEW JOB today, which will continue until 3 January. Basically a customer service assistant, the money is rather good. The downside is that I won't have as much time to blog as before, but I will try to make a few posts each day. On the upside is the fact that I am working in a railway station, giving me some first-hand insight into transport, a policy area about which I know little, and on which I don't think I've made a single post on this site. I'll be adding what thoughts I can to Patrick Crozier's TransportBlog. My first post - on one notably positive consequence of rail privatisation - is up there now. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 17:32 | Permanent Link |Thursday, December 19, 2002 President Blair the Democrats' best shot
Right now there is only one Democrat who could live up to all these rules: the British prime minister, Tony Blair. Maybe the Democrats should give him a green card. He's tough on national security, he has an alternative global vision, people like him and he is a beautiful, reassuring speaker. He's Bill Clinton without baggage. I'd say he's a natural. Well, maybe. But fortunately for America, Blair was neither born in the United States nor a citizen of the country in 1789, so it would be constitutionally impossible for him to get the job anyway. I suspect this bit was just tagged on the end to get more Brits to read a column about American politics. Besides, we all know Blair's ambition is not to be Chief Executive Officer of the United States, but to be President of Europe. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 05:22 | Permanent Link |Wednesday, December 18, 2002 Wasn't cosying up to Syria your idea, Jonathan?
Dear Mr Freedland, I'll let you know if I get a reply. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 06:31 | Permanent Link |Tuesday, December 17, 2002 BBCdian elite show its sickly colours again
As if that weren't bad enough, in the meantime the vandal has found a new employment agent: Guardian Editor Alan Rusbridger. Leaving, the court, he told journalists: "I need a job, so if anyone watching has one for me can they get in touch with me via the editor of the Guardian". Unbelievably, the anti-advertising Guardianite BBC, which treats the Daily Mail editor as semi-criminal for revealing Cherie Blair's crooked goings on, played this segment of the recording in full. As the report finished, BBC news anchor Emily Maitlis commented, "If you know of a job for him, you know what to do". And if you care at all about such a monstrous injustice, you also know what to do. Ensure that the Guardian editor gets so many bogus job offers for this thug that he will give up trying to uncover the real ones. Email him now. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 22:50 | Permanent Link |Go soon, and be an example for those who would, by their stupidity, arm the enemy
Now maybe that's not what he meant. He was speaking, after all, at some old coot's 100th birthday party. Most 100th birthday parties take place in nursing homes and, if you drop in, you generally find a lot of people standing around the old boy with inane grins, talking very loudly and very slowly and agreeing with everything he says. Maybe that's all Lott was doing, given the unique circumstances of a guy entering his second century as a sitting senator. In reference to the Democratic Party, which most strongly opposed judgement based on content of character rather than colour of skin, and continues that opposition, Steyn is cutting and right. For the best part of two centuries, the Democrats have been the party of race: In the 19th century, they were for slavery; in the 20th, for segregation; in the 21st, for the neo-segregation of ''affirmative action,'' ''hate crimes'' and all the other paraphernalia of the modish trickle-down apartheid determined to make racial categorization a permanent feature of the American landscape. In fairness to the Dems, this evolution represents a significant century-on-century improvement: There's no reason to believe that one day, come the 24th or 25th century, they won't have reached the position that American citizens should be treated as freeborn individuals, rather than as chorus members of their respective identity-group kicklines. That's what the Republican Party stands for: Condi Rice is an effective, black, female National Security Adviser but she holds that position not because of her blackness or her femaleness but her effectiveness; she's better than the white males who were up for the job. He has already waited too long to go, but go he must. The longer he holds on, the worse it will be for him and his party. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 21:54 | Permanent Link |British troops preparing for war Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 19:20 | Permanent Link | No one has a right to terrorise without being tortured
Torture, he says, "runs against the most deeply held Western ideas of what is good and allowable". Well, obviously. That's why it is illegal, like planting bombs in shopping centres and flying passenger jets into skyscrapers. But the whole point about fighting terrorists and permitting their killing by the armed forces and security services is that we apply a different standard to the actions of government than to ordinary citizens, and that we put a lower value on terrorist than on innocent lives. What is wrong with applying that same principle to torture? In this country, if a known IRA terrorist were caught running from a scene where he appeared to have planted a bomb, getting the information that would allow lives to be saved should be the absolute priority. It is absurd to suggest that the right to life of dozens of women and children should be jeopardised by the supposed "human rights" of the terrorist not to be tortured. Given the choice between a few cuts of the knife and blows of the hammer between some IRA thug's legs, and a group of innocent people being blown to pieces, there is only one ethical choice. Thank goodness America sees this in relation to her war with Al-Qaida. We should not shrink from applying the same principles ourselves. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 15:49 | Permanent Link |Monday, December 16, 2002 Diseased children of diseased morals
New Labour: pro-markets, indifferent to equality, anti-civil liberties
I spent years of my life arguing about which was more important - the extension of public enterprise into unregulated markets, the active promotion of greater equality or the protection of civil liberties. I never imagined that one day a Labour leader would renounce belief in all three.Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 05:26 | Permanent Link | More good news for the Democrats
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