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![]() Saturday, December 14, 2002 Three decades of aborting American children
Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism unite
But why is Mona Baker sending e-mails to David Irving about it? Is the potty Holocaust denier the sort of chap she sees as a possible political collaborator? One is so often implored to remember that not all anti-Zionists are anti-Semites. But not all of them aren’t. And Irving is one who is. His aversion to Israel is based not on political but racial revulsion. I am less generous, and I think this sort of thing just reveals the depths to which Mona Baker will sink. Her sackings should not be legal, and her suggested boycott, if applied against Germany in the 1930s, would actually have prevented a persecuted German Jew coming here to take an academic post. Anyone willing to discriminate so openly and heartlessly against individuals on grounds of their nationality, merely in protest at their government, should be shunned by decent people. It seems Professor Baker has friends, far outside that circle of decent people, who could keep her company instead. [EDIT: Stephen Pollard gave this shocking story further well deserved coverage. There I was thinking it was an original scoop for me, buried in the back of the Times somewhere.] Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 17:33 | Permanent Link |Child prostitutes and sex slaves smuggled into UK ANOTHER REASON TO TAKE SERIOUSLY illegal immigration and abuse of our asylum system: The Guardian has learned of two separate cases of people smugglers who are each alleged to have brought up to 100 children from China and Angola through British airports in the past few years.Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 14:44 | Permanent Link | The wages of socialism
On a lighter note, I must say that if £350k is the going rate, they could take both of mine. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 13:51 | Permanent Link |Moderacy in the face of madness
Dear Mr Croley, Only a reference to the Stonecutters episode of The Simpsons could have topped this response which, in its moderacy, makes the conspiracy theorist look dafter still. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 12:53 | Permanent Link |Friday, December 13, 2002 Lott must pay the price of stupidity
The most contentious, emotional and bitter arguments between the two parties often touch upon race. Both Republicans and Democrats have played the race card, but in the last two decades, the Democrats have honed and perfected the art. They have done so because only by riling their black supporters and exacerbating racial tension can Democratic candidates continue to win elections. The Democrats thrive on dirty tricks and on distracting patriotic Americans from their party's liberal agenda. This statement plays wonderfully into their hands, and Lott's resignation is absolutely required to make clear that his comments do not represent the general feeling of Republicans. To stay would be self-serving, insulting and extremely damaging electorally. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 14:02 | Permanent Link |REVIEW: Searchlight Magazine
As with the ANL, so with the magazine Searchlight. "Against fascism and racism" it says on its cover. But this basic, noble aim disguises a flawed and nasty journal. The latest issue is an example of dishonest reporting and vaguely totalitarian leanings wrapped up in good intentions. Turn to page 6, and we see their verdict on the "Young, Nazi and Proud" TV programme that lost Young BNP leader Mark Collet his job. Anyone who saw this fascinating programme could not have failed to come away from it convinced that the British National Party is at heart a vicious grouping, clinging subtly, but as determinedly as ever, to the Nazi doctrines on which it has always been based. We saw activists with Nazi tattoos, a Young BNP logo based on an SS symbol, favourable references to the terrorist Johnny Adair, to the "friendly" disease AIDS (it apparently only kills blacks and gays), and of course to Adolf Hitler. Collett himself clearly wanted to appear statesmanlike and vaguely sinister. Instead he looked immature, self-obsessed and mean-spirited. You couldn't hope for a better reason to oppose the BNP, and an unedited description of the contents of the programme should have been quite enough for Searchlight. But in that infuriating way the far left has of trying to mislead its own supporters (I believe Karl Marx called it the dialectical lie), it embellished and tried to make things look worse. At one point, Collett talked about how certain historical figures had by their actions ensured their longevity. I can't remember it word for word, but it was something like "Stalin will live on for ever, Churchill will live on for ever, Hitler will live on for ever, and maybe I will too". How does Searchlight report this comment? "Hitler will live on for ever and maybe I will too". There's no denying he said those words in that order, but this particular reference was clearly to Hitler's historical significance, not his policies. I've often myself thought that Margaret Thatcher may have been the most influential politician of the entire twentieth century, save Hitler. Clearly, this is not an endorsement of Hitler or a claim that Maggie was a Nazi, merely a historical judgement. Any newspaper that tried to make out otherwise would be extremely dishonest. Yet this is exactly what they did with this Collett quote. In paragraph two, Searchlight claims Collet "declared he could not understand why people should find images of German soldiers giving Nazi salutes upsetting". But later on, the article actually gives the full quote: "I honestly can't understand how a man who's seen the inner city hell of Britain today can't look back on that era [Hitler's Germany] with a certain nostalgia and think yeah, those people marching through the streets and all those happy people out in the streets, you know, saluting and everything, was a bad thing." These slight, niggling changes matter, because they damage the whole credibility of the rest of the article. He didn't say he couldn't understand what was upsetting about it. He said that compared to the inner-city "hell" of modern Britain, Nazi Germany wasn't so bad. This is an absurd and monstrous statement, clearly defending totalitarianism on the shakiest of grounds. Why did they feel any need to modify it to make it sound worse than it was? In the penultimate paragraph, Searchlight writes that the BNP leader Nick Griffin "absolves himself of any responsibility for this debacle". But this isn't true, either. The BNP's own site has a video giving Griffin's short response to the programme. In terms of responsibility, he couldn't be starker: "In this, I've got to take a fair bit of the blame that, having seen Mark deal with a number of journalists - including John Humphries, Radio Four's best, who he tore up one morning and left in little shreds on the breakfast table - I thought that Mark would have enough souse and savvy not to be taken in by this man. To some extent he was. That's not Mark's fault; it's my fault for thinking that he could cope with eight months of that much exposure and in the end in some places he couldn't." This sort of thing just shows shoddy, amateurish, dishonest reporting. Turn to page 11 and we see attacks on the traditionalist conservative Aidan Rankin. The piece quotes him showing equal contempt for BNP fascists and the 'anti-fascists' of the ANL/Searchlight variety, but then attempts to link him to racism and a far-right agenda. This about a man whose most recent book was praised by such figures as Michael Gove, a very well respected Portillista, merely because he dares to point out that those who label themselves anti-fascists have more in common with their opponents than they care to admit. The concluding paragraph mentions Rankin's involvement in a Durham University debate, where he argued for the motion that 'multiculturalism has failed': "Allowing right-wing extremists a platform to argue their views on ethnic diversity does not send out a good message of tolerance and respect." In that one sentence, we see the sort of magazine this is. Managing to slur Rankin as an extremist, it then falsely claims the debate is on ethnic diversity as if there is no difference between multi-racialism and multi-culturalism. Finally, the message itself should be examined. Without a hint of irony, the article contends that allowing proponents of a common culture and opponents of multi-culturalism to argue their case is not tolerant. The "tolerant" attitude would be to ban them from uttering a word against the popular liberal concensus. Tolerance used to mean, and in some minds still does, a capacity to bear those things one dislikes. Now it means pretty much the opposite: a virulent, fanatical distaste for anyone whose views vary a shade to the left or right of popular prejudices. "Tolerance" now means banning speakers of a certain viewpoint, restricting political language and debate and slurring anyone who disagrees with the left about immigration, asylum or culture as a racist, a bigot and a Nazi. Searchlight spreads this absurdity as keenly as anyone, and in so doing, forfeits its credibility as a serious combatant in the war against fascism. What a shame that in this time of unprecedented popularity for the BNP, such a magazine cannot think outside the politically correct tent and work on a way to expose the evils of Neo-Nazism truthfully and objectively. In the whole of post-war history, it has probably never been more necessary. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 12:28 | Permanent Link |Sunday, December 08, 2002 Things will be quiet around here for a few days POSTING WILL BE SPARSE to non-existent until Thursday, I'm afraid. Just thought I'd let you know I've not gone anywhere. Well, I have, but I'll be back soon. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 05:54 | Permanent Link |No joke, however bad, deserves a 37 month jail term
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