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Conservative Commentary www.ukconservatism.com |
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![]() Saturday, November 02, 2002 A Section 28 compromise that helps no one
Labour common sense lasts a day PLANS TO FINE people for dropping chewing gum have been abandoned already, apparently because the unions see them as unworkable: A spokesman for the GMB union, which represents tens of thousands of street cleaners and binmen, said: "Street cleaners and dustmen have tough enough jobs as it is without getting involved in confrontations with irate members of the public." On this matter they have a good point - it just isn't their job to police the public. Is there any reason why the actual police cannot do it, then? If they are to back on the beat fining people for anti-social offenses of various sorts, why not add this to their list? Obviously they would sometimes have to prioritise, but that doesn't stop them cracking down on litter the rest of the time. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 11:14 | Permanent Link |Friday, November 01, 2002 Career before life
Three names for the Tory future
EU Stability Pact is no substitute for democratic controls nor for competitiveness
Elliot sneers at the idea that Europe could benefit from "embracing Thatcherism" through cutbacks in welfare and union power. He should know better how much British competitiveness benefitted this country, and how dangerous it can be constantly to grant more rights to employees that can damage their company. By making their countries more competitive, European governments could cut unemployment very quickly and attract investment in the longer term. We should never forget that the United States created more jobs in one month of 1999 than mainland Europe did in the whole of the 1990s. It would be madness for Europe not to ask why. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 06:00 | Permanent Link |Labour tries out a bit of common sense
Thursday, October 31, 2002 Greatest Briton poll proves how little of the greatness is left ONE THING I often find annoying is when people talk about the human race in general or ordinary people as being stupid. In general, those who claim this are no better than the common man and they usually summon it to defend some intellectual position that they hold but normal people have more sense than to believe in (Marxists go so far as calling this indifferent attitude "false consciousness"). That is why it makes it especially difficult for me to acknowledge it when evidence suggests they are right. The BBC's Greatest Briton idea is admirable, both in terms of being historically educational, and in generating a little national pride. No one is to blame for the results but the voters. Now yes, eight of the top ten are serious figures in history, but that does not excuse the names of Princess Diana and John Lennon, currently 1st and 9th respectively. Passing over Diana, whose "compassion" in front of the cameras is the only thing I can imagine she achieved, we get John Lennon, a nasty little twerp who funded IRA terrorists as they bombed the very fans who made him rich in the first place. I really don't want to get into comparing the historical merits of these cases, explaining why Lord Nelson really shouldn't be one place below Lennon and why Princess Diana is not the greatest figure in British history. If you really require an explanation, then likely no explanation is possible. It just makes me wonder at the sort of history-free, narrow-minded little people we must all now live alongside. So many demonstrate in this poll not only their own ignorance but their willingness to vote. If you ever find yourself wondering, 'Who are all these people who gave Tony Blair two landslides?', now you have your answer. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 09:49 | Permanent Link |A few pearls of wisdom THOMAS SOWELL'S OCCASIONAL "Random Thoughts" column at Townhall always tends to be a fun read. It certainly is today. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 09:28 | Permanent Link |Netanyahu should return
Hugo Young dances on IDS's grave
As has been noted before, Europe has lost a huge amount of its resonance as a political issue in the last year. Blair has indicated it is unlikely he will ever hold a referendum on scrapping the pound. I think if it isn't announced in the Queen's Speech next month it will not happen at all under his watch. Equally, partly down to the success of Constituency Associations, Portillista dirty tricks and the Candidlist Programme, the Conservative Party is now so dominated by Eurosceptics that even if Clarke were for some reason willing to risk the collapse of his government in an attempt to abolish sterling, Eurosceptics in the Conservative Parliamentary Party would have the voting numbers to stop it in its tracks. We also have to face the fact that short of a miracle, whoever is Leader of the Opposition at the next election is not going to be Prime Minister after it. A majority of 166 is not going to be overturned at one election. So Clarke could be replaced after the next election quite easily, having got us on the road back to power. The previously insuperable European barrier to the election of Ken Clarke as Tory leader suddenly no longer seems so imposing. The greatest fear in my mind is that Clarke's election as leader would trigger a referendum by convincing Blair that with all three party leaders behind him, he can win a fight to scrap the pound. If this is true, selecting Clarke - whose political skills I believe have always been exaggerated - is more trouble than it is worth. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 06:33 | Permanent Link |Wednesday, October 30, 2002 Even if the left are wrong, they think what matters is they care more
Brit-Bloggers are in good company VARIOUS BRITISH BLOGGERS have made some very good posts today. The analysis by the guy who runs British Spin of the recent furore over IDS's leadership is typically insightful and objective. His point about the precise rules of leadership elections having crucial effect on politics is well made. Meanwhile Iain Murray links to an example of Theodore at his finest, Dr. Dalrymple's take on the significance of the eating habits of the criminal class. Over at Samizdata, Perry de Havilland takes on the US President over his weasel words and weasellier policies regarding free trade. What is so wrong with countries exchanging goods freely and each benefitting from the greatest talents of the other? How can one consistently favour a free market because unfettered exchange of goods and labour enriches everyone, while at the same time opposing it when that exchange extends beyond national boundaries? Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 21:46 | Permanent Link |Tory MPs must wake up and see that PMQ doesn't really matter to the voters
Commons to start and finish earlier
Tuesday, October 29, 2002 Cutting taxes is right, but not a practical promise this parliament
His waffle was so bad that a party activist and funder of long standing, who gives £5k a year, pledged not to give a penny more. The entrepeneur was looking for policies that help small businesses; instead he got nothing. What was most interesting about the evening is the strong desire in the room for radical policies. It seemed that, like me, many in the room believed the way back to power is to continue the work Thatcher had started (and Major pissed away) and drive towards a much smaller, more accountable state. On this issue, I must say I am very divided. I understand Howard's thinking well enough. It is not levels of taxation that people presently care about as much as the services they get in return, which are in a terrible state. Tories know very well it is the nature of the state sector that prevents good services, not the amount of money put in. But ordinary people are not yet willing to accept that. Far better, the argument goes, to argue for reform of the public sector without promising to cut taxes and funding. "Investment without reform will fail" is a good slogan and attitude electorally. But equally, I sympathise with the tax-cutting argument. Right-winger Rupert Darwell's excellent CPS Pamphlet "Paralysis or Power" made clear this attitude very persuasively: we didn't lose the tax-cutting argument - we simply stopped making it. Paul Gray's assessment of the follies of the 1997 Parliament included an analysis strikingly similar for someone on the modernising wing. By committing the party to meet Labour's spending plans minus £8 billion, many thought Hague was being moderate and clever. In fact, he was accepting Labour's argument that lack of money was the problem, with much more being needed, though at the same time promising less. We promised too much spending to be able to argue that taxes were much too high, and too little spending to win the support of those who accepted the left's analysis of the cause of the plight of our public services. The sure lesson to learn from the last election is that moderately different policies from Labour will fail on both fronts. We must either choose and defend a radical tax-cutting agenda, or accept Labour's spending and go into the election promising better public services than Labour, with the money being put in, but spent better. This latter option isn't just a matter of cutting bureaucracy and helping people to lift the burden on the state by going private. There are all sorts of politically correct causes on which government funds are wasted. In health, we spend a fortune on breast cancer detection systems that save at most 1 in 3,000 lives, fund free abortions and sex change operations and would be able to make a substantial amount from fining those who cannot keep to their appointments or who waste the services of ambulances. As well as generating revenue, this would encourage less waste by ensuring people used the available services better. As the NHS and education systems improved, a large surplus could be built up of all the money that has been saved through improving public services. As concern about the public services started to wane, people would begin to demand more of their own money both because they felt taxes were now too high and because they would be getting used to paying more for their own services, and would see less need for the taxman to take from them. At this point we could cut taxes, each year seeing the tax burden falling fairly substantially. Raising taxation too much beyond whatever the present level might be has never been politically feasible outside wartime. Just as the Tories are now following Labour over spending, Labour would feel forced to agree to most Tory tax cuts. Waiting for Labour to fail is not at all risky. Unless they adopt Conservative policies, it is an inevitability. I want low taxes as much as anyone, but Tory tactics have always in the past included knowing which fronts were the best on which to fight. Taxation is not currently such a front. This is partly because of an asymmettry in the political debate. For every discussion of the way in which money is raised, there are ten on how it is spent. We might win the tax argument every Question Time in five that it appeared, but then for three quarters of every single episode, we would be put on the back foot over one public service or another and how Tory cuts could only make it worse. The next election will be about the state of the public services whether we like it or not. Unless we put our greatest efforts into winning this battle, we cannot make the necessary progress next time. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 14:33 | Permanent Link |Women to be responsible and free until drunk; men to be guilty until proven innocent IN TODAY'S GUARDIAN, Zoe Williams tears into new proposals to turn having sex with a drunk woman into rape and to make men prove their innocence. All women would have to accept that, in the eyes of the law, they had been infantilised. We cannot be held responsible for what we say and do while intoxicated - men, clearly, can still be held responsible for what they say and do while intoxicated, and the only conclusion to be drawn from that is that they are accountable, mature and retain a basic integrity whatever they ingest. We aren't and we don't. Presumably, the law will still have a problem with us if we commit a murder under the influence of alcohol, which gives this a more Victorian slant - while we are, generally speaking, rational beings, in the realm of sex we are as tiny kittens, beset by pit bulls. We know not what we do, nor are our mewlings meaningful. As one obviously cannot get away with a rape by claiming one was drunk at the time, why should people who agreed to sex at the time be able to withdraw their consent retrospectively? And do drunken people require this much protection? It is obvious that the inebriated will do silly and regrettable things, but if people are concerned about this, the sensible conclusion is not to drink excessively. To make criminals of those on the other side of drunken decisions is absurd. Should people who buy goods when drunk be able to return them without explanation when they sober up? Personal responsibility is the essence of liberty, and a necessary condition of its preservation. Laws like this threaten more than just those many men who've slept with drunken women. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 06:05 | Permanent Link |Monday, October 28, 2002 The left is losing its moral bearings.
Solidarity with people in trouble is the most profound commitment that leftists make, [Michael Walzer] wrote, but even the oppressed have obligations, and one is to avoid murdering innocent people. "Leftists who cannot insist on this point, even to people poorer and weaker than themselves, have abandoned both politics and morality for something else." He's talking to you, Yasmin. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 16:38 | Permanent Link |Let's ensure the BBC's poll tax fades into TV history WHY SHOULD THE BBC be the only media organisation to receive a £112 subsidy from the taxpayer? If they don't want to advertise it is up to them, but they have no right to demand a poll tax from the rest of us in exchange. If it were genuinely an unbiased national institution, it would still have no right to impose its costs on those who don't watch it. But in the last few decades, it has turned from that into a Guardian-readers' haven, broadcasting soft-left perspectives as news and garbage as entertainment. The BBC's recent efforts seem aimed at actually transferring all the worthwhile programming onto their intelligent digital channels. How many times have I seen an programme advertised on BBC1 or BBC2 and then thought "Goodness - something worth watching" only to find it is a BBC4 thing? Normally, that would actually be fine - I should only get what I pay for. My objection is to being forced to pay for countless gardening programmes and absurd game shows. At some point not so far off, there will probably be channels to cater for every little interest. It only makes sense for people to pay specifically for what they desire, not generally for all that they do not. The BBC poll tax is an unfair anachronism that should go soon. The Tories should lead public opinion in this matter, giving its voice to the 58% who already want an end to the license fee, and abolish it after five or so years in government. The coverage they would receive would probably stay about as bad as it already is, and might improve once owned privately, market pressures ensuring that the organisation cannot afford to alienate too much off its audience with political bias of any sort. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 15:26 | Permanent Link |Yasmin: Suicide bombers do some good SOME PEOPLE ARE so depraved and vicious there is nothing they can condemn unequivocally, no evil with which they cannot sympathise. Just listen to this nasty bile from Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Well, at last, and for the worst of all reasons, we are buzzing about Chechnya like furious bees. In that sense, at least, those homicidal men and women who took over the theatre in Moscow achieved something... Suicide bombers, whatever the injustices they are fighting, do more harm than good. You expect the usual suggestion that blowing up men and women is more acceptable if one is fighting "injustices" of some sort. But astonishingly, she believes suicide bombers actually do good. I don't even know how to begin condemning this. Perhaps you should email her and tell her what you think. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 08:48 | Permanent Link |Positive discrimination is why the left's women and minorities don't go far GARY YOUNGE IN The Guardian: The Tories can look back on providing the country with its first democratically elected female leader; there are few in the Labour party who could confidently look forward and suggest a time when they might provide us with a second. Moreover, far from being confined to British politics, this is a global phenomenon. Applying left and right in their crudest terms, the right has produced almost twice as many female leaders around the world as the left since the war. This might be a paradox if you don't remember the left's obsession with the politically correct theory of representation, which claims that a political figure can only accurately represent the views of those who resemble them physically, so Asians can only be represented by Asians, women by women and so on, as if all fashionable minorities think alike. If an organisation accepts people because of their skin colour or sex regardless of talent, then obviously you are going to get more people like that. Discriminating against whites and males ensures it. But equally, they aren't going to be anywhere near as competent as those on the right, who are chosen on merit. So they aren't going to get so far. All "positive" discrimination does is delay a little the ultimate test of merit. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 07:44 | Permanent Link |Mass cheating wrecks standards further Any informed, objective observer knows that educational standards are falling, but today's revelations in the Guardian suggest this may be partly down to mass cheating by teachers. Despite having officially reached government targets for English, maths and science, children can go to secondary school unable to spell, tell the difference between a plus and a multiplication sign, add up the numbers on a dice or use capital letters and full stops correctly.Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 05:43 | Permanent Link | Why is every racist always said to be right-wing?
Have you ever wondered why Fortuyn was portrayed as some sort of conservative? Or asked yourself what precisely it is that is right-wing about the BNP? The answer is almost nothing. They are described this way because the left has defined racism out of existence among its own ranks. No matter how socialist someone may be, if they are racist, they are sent to the right of the political continuum, a compliant media accepting this. As many people have pointed out, the late Pim Fortuyn advocated gay marriage, gender equality, liberalized drug laws and criticized a religion which he saw as intolerant and homophobic — which sounds an awful lot like the Leftists of his era — but because he also wanted to stop further immigration into his already densely populated country he became, "Hey presto!", a "Right-wing extremist"! Brunton also points out that there is much in the rhetoric of prominent French anti-immigrant politician Jean-Marie Le Pen which would get him described as a Leftist were it not for his racial views. Any Leftist who does allow that race might have some significance in some way is immediately relabelled as Rightist. Being racist is enough in the current Left lexicon to make you Rightist regardless of anything else you might believe or advocate. Perhaps it is time for the right to attempt some sort of fight back against these characterizations. Instead of distinguishing ourselves from the "extreme right", we ought to show that National Socialism is merely another branch of leftist, statist thinking, and that a little extremism in defending individual life, liberty and property is sometimes a welcome thing. Just as I never let someone get away with using a word like "elitist" or "homophobe" in an argument, I think I shall challenge the idea that all the unpleasant racialists who want a socialised economy and unfree society are right-wing. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 05:02 | Permanent Link |Sunday, October 27, 2002 "Just say No" saves lives
Rape defendants to be guilty until proven innocent
All the sympathy in the world should be extended to women who have been raped, but men who are falsely accused of this crime are equally the victims here. The law should be fair to both of them, and crack down only on those convicted already, not on all defendants in rape cases, guilty or innocent. Let's have very long jail sentences for women proved to be lying about a rape and for convicted rapists - perhaps chemical castration for the latter. But despite all these measures, we mustn't threaten the rights of the defendant. All civilised societies must be have a legal system based on the state proving the defendant's guilt, not the defendant proving his innocence. Posted by Peter Cuthbertson | 09:37 | Permanent Link |Support opponents of your party and you face the consequences
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